From 2019 to 2021, the Green Foundation participated in the international ERASMUS+ project in cooperation with the organisations SEV Sever (Czech Republic) and Jane Goodall Institute (Austria).

The project focused on creating a new methodology for educators and consultants dedicated to community learning in the field of education for sustainable development. The project contributed to fulfilling the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through community education (learning for place and development of cooperation at the local level). The project aimed to support selected team leaders (internal mentors), program development and methodology creation. The educators in this project planned, observed and reflected together, developing their experience with active teaching methods in sustainable development education (SDG) and their skills in leading and mentoring colleagues.
- Start: 01-11-2018
- End 30-09-2021
- Project ref. no: 2018-1-CZ01-KA204-048166
- EU Grant: 214.872,00 €
- Project website:
- Project partnership: Stredisko ekologicke vychovy SEVER (CZ), Jane Goodall Institute (AT), Green Foundation (SK)